The Company Profile of Dongguan will forever senter the packing machine hop
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Dongguan will forever senter the packing machine hop

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This company is one specialized is engaged in produces each kind of revertex packaging machinery, processes a body's multiplex company with the revertex packing, the machinery sphere of production includes: the [1] entire computer controls the hot oil to level off, the membrana tectoria, the slice, to divide the strip, to receive the multi-purpose machineries which the volume, the line ball six be in one. the [2] completely automatic rubber box folds the box rubberizing hydraulic engine, applies folds the box in the PVC-APET-PETG-PP film and the rubber box to paste on the glue water not needing person folded sheet on which a subordinate reports to a superior rubber box the glue water, not merits and so on chaotic flower, like, and on the APET glue water will not turn white, the [3] semiautomatic rubber box rubberizing machine, will apply in the PVC-APET-PETG-PP film and the rubber box pastes the glue water not to need in the manpower the glue water, not merits and so on chaotic flower, and if on the APET glue water cannot turn white, the [4] entire computer control will attract high speed models machine. Applies attracts in the high difficulty models covers the processing the machinery, the [5] drum brushes the rubber machine automatically, applies in the PVC drum body automatic volume circle and the previous glue water, the chaotic flower, will not need the manpower to spread and so on merits, the [6] drum automatic edge former, this aircraft applies nearby the PVC drum merits and so on volume circle chaotic hand, the revertex processing sphere of production will not have the [A] film leveling peritoneum processing, [B] three-dimensional--Attracts concave-convex models the lunar new year's painting, attracts models the cover, folds the box, [C] and so on drum processing presses the high frequency, three flangings have attracted model, attract model cover the carton thermo-compression and so on, the [D]PP milk teacup, the PP fast-food box, the PP big soup bowl, the PP ice cream cup attract model and so on, the company was established since the 80s, this company has paid great attention to serve, the quality, and researches and develops the new product unceasingly, and delivers punctually, the reasonable price, the quality assurance, economizes every time for the customer considers. As reveres, the sincere service take the guest, will forever enter the machinery consistent management principle. To be carried out this principle, the company has used the coordinated process service safeguard mechanism for the customer service. Thus the guarantee product prestige, maintains the customer benefit.
Packaging machinery, attracts models the product

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