The Company Profile of RapidOS Technology Corp.
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RapidOS Technology Corp.

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According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, "Safety Needs" is high on the top two level when a human being's "Psychological Needs" being satisfied before heading toward next level of "Love", then the fourth level of "Esteem" and the final level of "Self-Actualization". The feeling of security is definitely what people aspire to not only at home but at the working place as well. With this society becoming ever chaotic, we are getting uneasy and feeling unsafe. Therefore, finding a way out to help prevent ourselves and loved ones from violence or the like is the priority here and now.
Thanks to the advance of modern technology, every household and every company can hardly do without a PC. On the other hand, less than 1% of PC users have invested on security equipment to cover their "Safety Needs". The reason for our shunning security equipment is that in addition to having an installer to set up the system, people think they also have to purchase an additional proprietary system for operation. Since acquiring security equipment this way seems too complicated and too time-consuming, people, as a result, get cold feet.
With more than 15 years of experience in PC and CCTV, RapidOS is here to break the barrier between PC and Security and further to transplant the features of PC-user-friendliness, flexibility and upgradability-to Security, and then to make the security function a must in a PC so as to easily satisfy everyone's "Safety Needs".
Martyr or forerunner? Security people advise RapidOS against introducing this product into PC channel, saying it will not work. However, with the experience to back us up, RapidOS is sure of its possibility as long as the product positioning is clear and installation is simple. Therefore, RapidOS is to be a total solution provider. With the strong R& D support, we claim that we are probably the first or so far the only one to provide the solution covering both Windows base and Linux base, hardware and software MPEG4, internal DVR card and external USB DVR box, as well as the Standalone together with different kinds of Cameras.
Well goes an old Chinese saying: the end of world can be nearby as your neighborhood. Yes, with the modern technology of Networking Digital Surveillance, it is no longer an impossible dream. This dream is soon to be realized. Just install RapidOS DVR products, and you will be able to keep an eye on your home or office as well as to see your families or friends wherever you are for Security Control, Medical Watch, Bank / ATM Surveillance, Family Caring, POS Control, or Video Conference. Indeed, RapidOS is it when it comes to "Safety Needs".
DVR, digital video recorder, surveillance, video surveillance, CCTV

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